Embody Sacred Living

sacred (adj.): regarded with great respect and reverence

Here's what I know

Whether you are crossing embers of fear, exploring pleasures, traveling to new lands, or revisiting old wounds, when you learn and practice your divine connectedness – what I call sacred living – you will experience life with greater presence and intention.

How? That's where I come in...

What are you Seeking?

I'm glad you're here

My name is Daphne Paras. You can read more about my experiences, certifications, and clients if you like. What matters most to me is that you know I am ready to help get you from where you are to where you want to be.

In my work...

I create adventure and introduce skills for those ready to evolve.

I facilitate harmony among groups through shared experience.

I build bridges for women to embrace their power and their bodies.

I believe in each human being's divine power and sacredness.


I am a Master Facilitator. I have collected degrees, certifications, and tools to help you heal, grow, transform, and uncover your true potential.


"My life trajectory has shifted so much since the retreat.

The decisions I make now are for me, not for the idea that someone else has for me. I feel so much more aligned with who I really am and the life I want. If you're looking for a big shift in your life, you will find it here."



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